What to Expect from a Dental implant Procedure
You might have to get implants, or at least that’s what your
Eagle Rock dentists suggests. Implants can change your life, for they will help
you have better teeth, can change your jaw bone health and structure, and
overall really assist you in having better dental health. However, you might be
worried about what they will do to you. Well, you’re about to find out, for
this article will discuss just what you go through exactly when getting a
dental implant and what to expect.
First, you’ll get x-rays. These are the typical x-rays that
you get, but there will also be a 3D CT scan done on our mouth to look for any
gum and bone condition issues and any caveats that might need to be attended
Then, the dentist will take an impression of your mouth to
get a good replica of what your teeth, gums, and the tissues are around and
what they will work with. They’ll then decide what needs to be done, and you’ll
then bite down onto the impression tray for about a minute or two and it’ll be
a rubber, solid mass. It’ll then be removed for processing. It can be
unpleasant for those that have a gag reflex, and for those that panic over not
being able to pen their mouth. The best way is to breathe through our nose and
distract yourself with whatever is going on. It actually doesn’t take as long
as you imagine it might, it’s just your mind assuming it’ll be that long.
Then, they’ll take out the tooth if needed to be extracted.
It’s done in the same manner as the insertion. They’ll use a local injection of
Novocain to the area to help reduce the pain in the tooth. It’ll often not take
too long, and mostly you’ll just feel pressure and tugging as the tooth is
wiggled out. You will have to make sure that you keep it healthy, and don’t
create a dry socket.
Then, once it’s done, you’ll get a drill done on your jaw
bone. It feels kind of like a cavity drilled, and sometimes, there will be an
incision that will expose the bone that will need sutures. The implant will be
put into the jaw bone, and it’s an artificial root. Now, depending on the
condition of your jaw, you might need a bone graft. This is usually done with
artificial bone materials, and you might not even know it’s going on. usually,
once that’s put in, you can drive home and do mostly the same things, but only
eat softened foods.
Then you get the abutment. Once the jaw bone heals, it’ll
fuse with the implant. This takes several weeks to a few months, and it differs
in everyone. Once the implant stabilizes, you get an abutment put on top of it.
This is essentially the connector to the tooth that’ll be on top. It’ll be put
on, tightened with a wrench, and it’ll stay in place when you chew. You might
just feel pressure though cause of the anesthesia. In some places, it can be
put in at the same time as the implant, but sometimes it can extend above the
gum line and be visible, so talk to your Eagle Rock dentist before you make the
decision that you’ll be making. In some cases, you might get a cap or an
abutment on there to keep the bone and tissue from growing over the implant.
Then, you get permanent crown put on top of the abutment,
and from there, you’re done.
Usually, you don’t feel pain with this, but you might feel
vibrations and pressure, and you might feel discomfort rather than pain. Dental
procedures are often quite painless in terms of putting the implant in, and for
many, these implants can often change the life of the person as well. By making
sure that you’re smart with this, and you follow what your dentist says, you’ll
have a mostly painless implant procedure, and you’ll be greeted with a new
smile and so many other things once you are done with all that needs to be done.
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